Case Study: Amy of PaperFinch Design

Want to know how my unique method helps solopreneurs? 

Check out my most cherished clients and their results working with Vow + Vast.

We’ll be checking their temperature on how they felt in their business before outsourcing to V+V. Asking how their experience was pinpointing what they needed the most help with. And most importantly, how working with us just after 3 months has affected not only their operations but balance and mindset. 

In this case study, we have Amy who is the CEO of PaperFinch Design.

Before V+V

What were your biggest problems/frustrations that led you to contact V+V? 

As a creative, I just had too much work on my plate to find time to do what I do best - create. And it wasn't just getting bogged down with lack of time - my creative brain just doesn't always work the best with admin and marketing type tasks. I so easily have "squirrel" moments - which are fine and good when you're "just" a craft show or Etsy seller. But if I wanted to take it to the next level, like trade shows and wholesaling, I needed help in taking some of those things off my plate and being held accountable for the day-to-day tasks that aren't' sexy, but are required to run a successful business.

How were you feeling from a scale to perfectly balanced and happy to overwhelmed and burnt-out (1-5 scale with a short explanation)?

Amy PaperFinch Designs

Photo by Jessica Fredericks Photography

Probably like a 3 with fairly frequent 4 days. I wouldn't say I was burnt out, but I knew I could be growing better and more efficiently. I definitely wasn't balanced!!

Why didn't you take action to solve these problems before approaching V+V? (Needed a more robust contractor, pay, felt stuck, etc)

I did, years prior, but it didn't work out. And then I got caught in the "it'll take too long to train someone" trap for a while. And I didn't necessarily know what I needed help with the most.

What were your underlying fears that dictated delegating and outsourcing in the past? 

Definitely budget. As a small business, every penny counts. And of course, the worry that someone else won't do it as well as I do it.

What does your ideal work-life solution look like for you?

I do love to work. I need to work. But I also have one, and only one, child. And he's 5 - so I don't want to look up and miss all of his young years. I know one day he'll be a teenager and want nothing to do with me, and then a college student, and then married and on his own (Cue the tears!) So I'd love to be able to just work while he's at school - but not dial back on my business in the meantime. Just work more efficiently and smarter. 

After V+V

How do you feel now?

Hiring V+V definitely alleviated a lot of the overwhelm and "what do I do next?" panic. Working with Kristen got me much more organized, efficient, and zeroed in on what I should be focusing on in my business - and what I shouldn't. That shift in mindset alone is priceless.

How has delegating changed your life?

How has it not?? I've learned not to be afraid to ask for help. Even with contract employees that I had outsourced to before, I felt a weird kind of "sorry to bother you" when asking them for something. Call it my southern roots, but I just couldn't seem to shake it. But something about Kristen's tell-it-like-it-is style of work really helped me see that it's just wasting time and energy to hem and haw over the whole "can you do this? are you suuuuuure?" dance routine. Plus, if you ask for help, you might end up with a new perspective that you hadn't even thought of.

How have our weekly calls helped your day-to-day operations?

They definitely kept me on track and focused on what was priority. Like I mentioned above, I get "squirrel" moments pretty frequently - probably what makes me a good designer, always seeing inspiration and getting ideas. But it doesn't always work when you're trying to organize a catalog or get an email automation up and running. So the weekly calls were wonderful for staying on track and checking in on the status of various projects. The in-office days were great too - because even with Zoom, Voxer, and all of that, you still lose a little something when you're not in person. So that helped make it feel more like were in it together, so to speak


I achieved the balance I was looking for.

I've pretty much achieved the work/life balance I was looking for. I stop working when my son comes home AND I've gotten back into some of my evening hobbies, like reading and crafting. And I just feel way less stressed. 

How close are you to achieving your ideal solution from above?

Well, as I write this it's the busiest week of my year - Black Friday and Cyber Monday. But other than this week, I've pretty much achieved the work/life balance I was looking for. I stop working when my son comes home AND I've gotten back into some of my evening hobbies, like reading and crafting. And I just feel way less stressed. 

How are you feeling now? From a scale to perfectly balanced and happy to overwhelmed and burnt-out (1-5 scale with a short explanation).

Maybe a 2? I'm one of those that has a hard time picking the 1 or the 5 because they just seem so extreme, ha ha. But I feel very balanced and happy. My husband has even commented on it :)

How do you feel about your productivity and work management now with V+V by your side?

A-MA-ZING. I feel like a fangirl, just gushing over and over, but working with V+V was exactly what I needed to help get me into the right productivity flow for the next step of my business.

What are you able to focus on now as a result of increasing productivity and outsourcing?

Like I mentioned above, I'm getting to do more of my hobbies. And I'm cooking more! I didn't realize I liked it so much :) But as far as my business goes, I'm able to focus more on creating again - now that I have some better systems in place and a more organized physical office space!

In what other ways do you find that V+V's unique method of virtual assistance, project management, and productivity has helped you and your business?

V+V is so great at adapting to whatever you need - because of that experience in assistance, project management, work/life balance, etc - so it was just so nice knowing that I could throw practically anything Kristen's way and she could handle it. It made running a business SO much easier. And some people might not feel this way, but I like when Kristen tells me how to do something in my own business - if you can get past any sort of ego, if offers a fresh perspective, makes the worker feel valued, and oftentimes works out for the better! And I trusted what she had to say because of her clear knowledge and vast (see what I did there?) experience.

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